This fanfic is inspired by this fanart on Twitter by @Opticalbattle.
I am Aelita. On Lyoko, I scream as I fall into the Digital Sea. I see William's X.A.N.A.-controlled silhouette grow smaller and smaller. I close my eyes.
When I open them, not only do I discover that I'm still alive, but I'm breathing underwater. How is this possible? I swim out to explore my surroundings. The water’s color is different from the Digital Sea. I am no longer on Lyoko, but where? I try to communicate with Jeremy. No response. I'm on my own.
I keep swimming when I see a creature in the distance. Some kind of fish-woman or tailless mermaid.
"Hey! Over here!"
The woman has heard me. She joins me. She has short white hair, black eyes, smooth green skin and fin-like ears. Her feet are webbed. She wears a sort of colorful, purple and pink, cape. A kind of open armor covers her body.
"Hi, I'm Aelita."
The fish-woman answers me, but I don't understand her language, except for the words "Naija" and "Aquaria." I deduce that Naija is her name and that I am in the Aquaria’s waters.
Naija beckons me to follow. With little choice, I swim behind her. Naija leads me to a cave. This must be her home. She offers me something to eat. A kind of aquatic cake. Not wanting to be rude, I take a bite. The cake tastes of water and oil. Also seaweed, I think. It's edible, no more.
Naija looks at me as I eat my bite. She must be curious about me. I must find a way to communicate with her. Naija is the only one who can help me get back to Lyoko. It's going to be difficult, but I'm not giving up hope.